I had everything on hand for this little project. The 'M' was originally for something I was going to do in Maren's room. That project never made it past the yellow paint!

Since I didn't have pink paint I utilized my elementary art skills and mixed red and white together.

And just like that...a pink 'M'!

I used two colors of glitter to create on ombre effect...

...while the paint was still wet I applied the darker color heavily to the bottom and thinner towards the middle. Next I went over the middle with the lighter color and finished near the top with just a faint dusting of the lighter color. The glitter also managed to sneak into all other areas of my craft room. It has a tendency to do that!

I finished off by tying three thin scraps [rescued from the trash!] to one side of the M.

I glued a pink ribbon to the back so I could hang the 'M' from the wreath hook. I haven't decided if I'm brave enough to allow this glittery masterpiece to grace the peg rack in Maren's room. If I do, it will supply her wardrobe with a nice amount of sparkly for the foreseeable future!

Find more Monday inspiration here:

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