We enjoyed seeing Santa at the bank (where Brett works) again this year. This Santa is the real deal...the beard isn't even fake, as Truett quickly found out.
Maren was very interested in telling Santa about her one wish (a chicken bag...I'll explain later), but she didn't want to get much closer than this. And she definitely wasn't going to sit on his lap. {Do you like her shirt? I made it, and she finally likes to wear it. Thank goodness!}

Our boy, Truett, is very tactile, and so he made quick friends of our white-haired Santa man. Thankfully, Santa was kind enough to endure a few tugs and twists of his very real beard.

August made it into the picture again this year...Santa brought her a new outfit for Christmas, which was thoughtful of him, seeing as how she lost one set of clothes during the great debacle of 2011.

Such cute pictures. I esp. like the one that Truet is looking at Santa with such intensity. Great family picture and a great Santa.