It does seem like tacky sweater parties are all the rage right now, doesn't it? Apparently there are people making lots of money selling tacky Christmas sweaters on Ebay...who would've thought!? Brett and I hosted our first one way back in 2005. I like to think we were on the cutting edge of the trend. If you know us in real life, you might find this humorous, since we're rarely on the cutting edge of anything. We actually hosted our first tacky sweater party before we ever had internet access in our home, if that tells you anything.
But, on to the fun! Our friends did not disappoint this year...they showed up adorned in their festive holiday ware. We ate some great food, swapped tacky white-elephant gifts, and played Christmas minute-to-win-it games.

Our tacky party continues to be one of my favorite traditions of the season. We're blessed to have such fun friends!
I've been waiting and waiting for these pictures! :) I'm so sad we didn't make it this year. I especially love Aaron's pajamas. :) Can't wait for next year!