Truett is a content, active, curious growing boy! He is gobbling up his doses of solid food...sweet potatoes, carrots, and pears are his early favorites. Occasionally he gets to experience puffs and a sippy-cup of water, and he thoroughly enjoys both. He's recently learned to army crawl, and is beginning to figure out 'regular' crawling, too. He can sit up unassisted now, but he prefers to be on his tummy. I expect this next month will come with many adjustments as we make way for our mobile boy. It's not uncommon now for him to make his way across an entire room in a matter of minutes. life is about to get significantly more interesting! Maren has taken well to Truett's recent growth, and has begun to gently wrestle with him. I am thankful he is such an easy-going kid, because his big sister has some big plans for how he is to spend his time. I just love that they get along so well, and love each other so dearly.

Judging by the amount of drool he is producing, we expect to see Truett's first tooth any time now.

I'm pretty much in love with this boy and his sweet smiles. Time to go read some books and soak up some afternoon post-nap-snuggles with my kids!
He's adorable and I am so glad that he is doing so well. God is good.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Debby! God certainly is good!