My husband wrote in a journal every single day of his college life. When I met him, I loved that about him. I like to write, and I found it so surprising that he wrote every. single. day. Wow. We started dating in late-November of 2000. That Christmas, while he was home for Christmas Break, he picked up a very special journal with a very special purpose. Unbeknownst to me, he began to write a journal to me just weeks after we had started dating. {So cool to look back and realize how serious he was about me even in those early days of dating. I often wondered about so many unsaid thoughts and feelings, and I love 'knowing' more of what he was thinking!}
Fast-forward a year and a half to a lovely April evening in 2002. Brett was teaching, and I was about to complete my senior year of college. We lived 45 minutes apart, so I only saw him on weekends. He called about 15 minutes before he was supposed to pick me up and said that he'd gotten an additional paycheck for some extra-curricular activities he'd helped out with at school and wanted to splurge on a nice dinner. I was game, and we decided to go back to the steakhouse where we'd gone on our very first date. While we were waiting to be seated, he suggested that we walk across the street to a jewelry store and look at rings. I was was the first mention of ring-shopping from Brett. After casually browsing some lovely, expensive rings {the jewelry store was a Tiffany's of all places!} we enjoyed a tasty meal.
After dinner, Brett suggested that we go for a little walk in the same town where we enjoyed a coffee after our first date. {I can't believe I was still so clueless about what was going on at this point! He was re-creating our first date. :)} When we got to our destination, he pulled a blanket out of the trunk and we started off on a nice little walk along the river. At one point, there's a little dock that extends out over the water. We walked to the end of the dock, and he instructed me to be quiet as he stealth-ly pulled three roses and a leather-bound book from in the folds of the blanket. {Sneaky!} At this point I finally figured out what was happening. He handed me a white rose, and told me about the things he was thankful about from our past...then a pink rose, and he talked about our present, and lastly, he read the final pages of the book, which was a proposal, and handed me a red rose with a ring tied to it...signifying our future together. The book was filled with stories from our entire courtship. Brett had kept a journal to me during our entire year-and-a-half of dating. {There is a silence for a few months while we were broken up.} It was such a treat to read through so many of Brett's thoughts and feelings. I love having a chronicle of most of our dates and memories shared. I loved reading about when Brett first thought that he loved me...long before the words ever came out of his mouth. Nine years later, that journal is my favorite earthly possession. There are so many things that I would've long-ago forgotten about had they not been recorded in that book. I still fall more in love with Brett every time I read through the pages of the was an incredible gift.
Here we are on the evening of our engagement...

Here's our 'formal' engagement picture...

Our Christmas wedding with lots of lights...

Can you believe those flowers? I loved them so much!

We held our reception in a beautiful indoor botanical garden. Christmas trees from around the world decorated the entire venue. It was quite spectacular.

Since we were married so close to Christmas, we spent a couple of evenings in a fancy hotel, and returned to my parents house for Christmas. On the 26th we caught a flight to Mexico. I'm so glad we chose to stick around to celebrate our first Christmas with family in snowy Michigan!

I love you, Brett, and I'm so glad the Lord chose to bring us together. You are an incredible husband and father. Thank you for loving me so well!
*We did get married back in the era of film these are pictures of my original pictures. And my wedding video is VHS...ha! I think we'll get that converted to DVD next year sometime.