07 October 2014

Johnny Appleseed

Last week we did a fun little unit on John Chapman, better known as Johnny Appleseed. We have an apple tree in our front yard, and Truett loved picking apples this fall. Both kids were excited to learn about this interesting man. 

I checked out several books from the library, and these were our favorites. Truett even commented on the beautiful illustrations in Steven Kellogg's book.

In addition to reading about Johnny Appleseed, we also learned a little about apples...

To top off our lesson, we did some apple stamping. With plates full of red paint, this craft turned messy real fast. My kitchen table looked a little bit like a crime scene when all was said and done. Thank goodness for washable paint!

1 comment:

  1. Steven Kellogg is a wonderful illustrator. He has come to school for my kids. Loved painting with apples at pre-school.
