10 December 2012

Santa 2012

We made our yearly visit to Santa on Saturday. Brett's bank hosts a fun little event with cookies and a very convincing Santa...with a real beard. My kids loved it.

Maren was not particularly interested in sitting on Santa's lap, but she was sure to communicate her wishes, complete with illustrations.

Our little family...

Truett mostly just chased his ball around the bank all morning, and ate a lot of cookies. This was as close as he got to posing for a picture...maybe next year?

I love looking back at how our family has changed through the years. Here was Maren visiting Santa for the first time...

And here was Truett last year...


  1. Great Santa. Really cute pictures. I saved all of my pictures and had them framed together and put the picture out at Christmas. My one son used to take the Christmas catalog with him to see Santa. Remember the JC Penny Catalogs.

  2. DOH!!! Totally forgot about Santa at the bank! Shoot. Oh well, the girls probably would have freaked out. And asked for lollipops. :) You have such a beautiful family, Kate. :)
