10 September 2012

Learning time

Early autumn...a good time for learning. 

Truett's known some of these tricks for a while, but I finally caught them on camera. You'll have to look past the crumbs left over from dinner and focus on his stunning dexterity.

Where's your nose?


And the latest...belly button!

This boy...he might be the end of me. I cannot get over his flippy, crazy hair or his mile-long lashes. He also happens to have the quirkiest most adorable little personality starting to bubble out of him. And now he knows where his belly button is...what's a mom to do?

And this girl...she started preschool today! {Actually last week, by the time I actually publish this post!} What?! How did this happen...I am in my 30's with a child going to school! Time needs to do some major slowing down. Today was perfect, though, apart from my tiny emotional outpouring on the way home from preschool {with only 1 kid in the backseat}. Thankfully, Brett was driving so I was able to focus on getting myself under control. I didn't think I'd cry, but I did. I am a little sad about her being gone 2 mornings a week, but mostly this morning just made me realize what season of life we're heading into...namely the 'growing-up' season. Maren is starting to become more independent. This year it's just two mornings a week, but next it will be more. She's quickly shedding the slightest little bit of 'baby' she might have hanging on, and she's moving towards being a 'kid'. She's got her own set of ideas, feelings, thoughts, opinions...most of which are so endearing. I'm really excited to see where this year leads...I know she's already thrilled about the new friendships and experiences preschool is bringing her way. And ready or not, it's here!

Maren was very opinionated about what she wore to her first day of school...thankfully it matched!

Hoping to make this little chalkboard an annual tradition...with Maren writing her own name.

She was so excited, and a little bit nervous. Maren asked for a picture with Brett and Truett...I love how much she enjoys her family!

The girls...

When I dropped her off, she walked right into the class, gave her teachers a big hug and never looked back! When I picked her up, I was greeted by a cheerful, still-excited Maren with a basketful of papers and projects to show me, and the SHOW AND TELL BAG! Can you think of anything more exciting than being the first preschooler in your class to bring in show-and-tell?! It's been quite the topic of conversation around here. We'll see what she decides. I'm thankful for her sweet teachers and the 2 little friends she's already talking about constantly. I'm sure the year will be a good one, growing-up and all!

1 comment:

  1. He is adorable. He has changed so much. So cute.
    Your daughter is as well. Big girl now going to school. If I was going to pre-school I would want that owl back pack.
