29 August 2012

Rainbow Party Details

 Long ago Maren determined that her 4th birthday should be celebrated with a rainbow themed party. I was happy to oblige. I have found that my collection of paper lanterns is quite versatile. In this instance, the lanterns were transformed into a rainbow.

Maren helped me sort through her box of crayons so we could arrange them in rainbow fashion for the centerpieces. I rolled out ikea art paper on the table and the girls were able to color while waiting for dinner. This served to be a brilliant idea, as containing 10 hungry, excited girls could have potentially started the party off on a crazy note. Instead, they all giggled and colored away. I found the colored cups and napkins at Ikea a while ago, and knew they'd be perfect for the party.

 I sewed little circle garlands for the light and just draped them around. Love how this turned out, and I'll definitely keep the garlands for future use.

Maren and I sorted out rainbow beads so each girl would have the right amount to make bracelets.

Rainbow pudding cups...just vanilla pudding with food coloring.

Rainbow fruit skewers...

I made cupcake toppers out of toothpicks and cardstock...

Simple cupcakes with rainbow sprinkles and flags...

...and look what the inside of the cupcakes looked like! These were a huge hit for the girls.

It was fun this year to have Maren's help in planning and preparing for the party. One of the neighbor girls came over to help us make the cupcakes. Thankfully, the actual party turned out to be fabulous. I'll share those pictures tomorrow!

Here's where I found some ideas (via my Party Pinterest page):

Crayon Centerpieces


  1. What a fun and colorful party. Love the garland.

  2. I love all of your ideas for Maren's party. So creative and fun!
