03 July 2012

Truett's Birthday Trip to the Zoo

We have a fabulous local zoo, and it's become a tradition now to celebrate our children's first birthdays with the animals. My parents were visiting from Michigan, and it was a special treat to share the day with them.

Maren was in giraffe heaven...willingly feeding them their lettuce snacks. Truett was not impressed. Sorry, buddy, for traumatizing you on your big day! Hopefully he'll learn to enjoy the experience someday.

Maren loved the giraffe's purple tongue. It is a delight to watch children enjoy the world around them.

After lunch Truett discovered his favorite part of the day...chewing on a giant straw. You can't win them all!

We spent lots of time at the feed-the-chickens-exhibit. Maren was so interested in the different birds, and was sure to share the food with as many different chickens as possible.

I could not think of 3 better people to have in my family...it is an absolute gift to walk through life with these guys!

Maren and Truett with Grams and Grandpa.

The peacock...such an exquisite bird! I am always amazed by the colors. Maren loved seeing Mr. Peacock up close. He was sitting in the playground area.

Stop growing up...seriously...STOP IT!

An added perk to visiting the zoo is having the chance to drive up the mountain to the Will Rogers Shrine. I'd never been, and it was quite the adventure. The drive is not for the faint of heart...or for people from Michigan. All those steep drop-offs and switch-backs. Whoa. The view, however, was worth the scary few minutes in the car.

I sure love you, Truett! Happy birthday buddy!


  1. Happy Birthday Truett. Let me guess......the zoo at COlorado Springs.

    1. That's the one, Debby! Have you been during one of your visits to CO?

  2. What a fantastic shot of that peacock! He's gorgeous!
