03 October 2011

A tiny little blogging tip...

Hi friends!

I hope you all are enjoying this lovely Monday. My kids are napping [at the same time!!! Yay!} and I'm just catching up on some emails while cookies are baking in the oven.

So, I have a little request/tip for you. I love reading each and every one of the comments you leave for me, and I do my best to respond to them all. All of the comments left on my blog get emailed to me, and I'm able to respond to you personally through email, which is such a fun way to get to know you better and to thank you for stopping by! Sadly, I'm unable to respond to you if your account is set up to be 'no-reply'. If you'd like to hear back from me {or from any other bloggers you leave comments for}, follow these simple steps...

1. Go to blogger.com
2. Click Edit Profile
3. Under Privacy, check the box next to 'Show my email address'
4. If you don't have an email address displayed, just enter your email under Identity where it says 'Email address'
5. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and select 'Save Profile'

Simple, right?

Happy Monday!

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