01 September 2011

Vintage tells a story

Each room in my house is infused with a hint of vintage flair. I love the conversationalism [I just made up that word!] offered by a great vintage piece. Visitors often ask me about the quirky hat on the shelf in the guest bath, the great box purse on my mantle, or the various collections of vintage toys and books scattered throughout my home. Nobody ever comments on the lovely Pottery Barn clock sitting in our family room. I'm quite certain it's because the clock doesn't yet have a story to tell.

The hat was my grandmother's. I like to imagine which occasion might have inspired it's purchase.

My mantle is home to another of grandma's hats. There's also an old tin discovered at a flea market by a twenty-something version of my mom. I love thinking of what her life was like when she was a young mother. The marbles were my dad's when he was a boy and the milk bottle came from the dairy where one of my grandmas was raised. My parents actually brought me home from the hospital to that same old dairy house, and my mom rescued the glass bottle from the farm before it was leveled and the land sold for town-homes. The dairy farm is long gone, but a few treasures remain to tell it's story.

My grandma's box purse...again, I wonder what sorts of things she carried with her in this purse and where she might have gone with it in her hand.

A shelf in Maren's room is home to other favorite items. My mom's glass baby bottle holds more of dad's marbles. [My poor dad...he's lost all his marbles!] I can't imagine carrying around a glass baby bottle! A charming copy of Peter Rabbit was a gift from one of my aunts and the other books came from my mom's childhood library. I'm sure that many chilly Minnesota afternoons were spent curled up in a chair reading these books.
I do love having bits of the past scattered about our home. My family has been blessed with a rich Godly heritage, and I am grateful for these reminders of the generations who have remained faithful in order that we might be here in this place, clinging to the truths that serve as our anchor today.

Each week Gussy hosts an Inspiration Workshop. I recently started reading her blog, and I have discovered plenty of creative inspiration within her pages. If you have a spare moment, you should go see for yourself!
Gussy Sews Inspiration Workshop!


  1. Hi miss Kate!
    That is exactly why I love vintage.
    Because every piece must have a story and I love to think about where the piece has come from!
    Stopping by from miss Gussy's!
    Shelly xo

  2. love those vintage books ... you can never go wrong with using books to decorate!

  3. I love this post! I love that everything has a story! I'm glad you stopped by my blog! Heather
