02 November 2010

A good excuse for being a bad blogger...

Well...hello there, strangers! Thank you so much for your emails and inquiries as to my whereabouts. I appreciate your thoughts...and I have a good explanation!

But first...Maren wants to wish you a Happy Halloween! We're honestly not huge Halloween fans around here, but we do go trick-or-treating, and I did put a bit of effort into M's costume this year. The cheerleader outfit was a hand-me-down from a wonderful cousin, and I made the pom-poms out of an orange plastic tablecloth. They didn't turn out how I'd had them pictured in my mind, but Maren was so excited about them, which was all that mattered!

When does time ever start slowing down? It really feels like yesterday this girl was born...oh my, now look at her! She's turned into a little girl!
So...onto my other piece of business...I haven't been blogging {at all} because I've been incredibly sick...you know...tired, nauseated...

Yup! Baby #2 is on the way, and we've had a rough start. All of my energy, creativity, thoughts, and time have gone towards keeping my family fed, clothed, and clean
{to some extent!}. I do have great intentions for some Christmas projects...I LOVE Christmas, and I'm hoping that I'll feel up to working on something other than laundry in the weeks to come.

In the meantime...please don't abandon ship! I do miss visiting with you all, and sharing bits of my life with you. For the time being, those bits might just be a little less-inspiring! {Unless you find yourself in my same situation, in which case, there's nothing better than empathy, right?}


  1. Wow! Congratulations! I'm sorry to hear that you've had a rough start. Hopefully it won't last through the holidays so you can enjoy them!

  2. Congratulations to you! I just had a baby...well 3 months ago, and I'm still trying to get back into the swing of things. Sometimes, other things (like caring for our families and SELF) just need to take first place!

    Blessings to you,

  3. Congratulations! I love babies! Yay! Your little girl looks adorable in her costume. Her eyes are so blue! (:

  4. Your daughter is just gorgeous - I bet my daughter and yours would love playing cheerleaders/dressups.
    Welcome aboard the Tilda Swap xxx
