14 June 2010

Let's Meet on Monday: Favorite Cleaning Supplies

After an autumnal-weekend, today is looking like it's going to be another rainy, inside day. We're expecting company on Wednesday, so it's a great day to stay home and clean! With cleaning on the brain, I thought I'd ask about some of your favorite cleaning supplies. Are you a 'brand-loyal' type of person, or do you switch it up from month-to-month?

My all-time favorite cleaner is Shaklee's Scour Off Heavy Duty Paste. It's non-toxic, smells amazing, and works wonders on hard-to-clean surfaces. I especially love it for my kitchen sink and shower.

We recently became a relatively 'paper-free' home, mostly meaning we've switched to cloth instead of buying paper-towel and napkins. I found some great Martha Stewart brand cleaning cloths at TJ Maxx. They're made for glass, and I've been amazed with how great they work. I know there are other similar products out there. (Try these)
So, do you have any cleaning favorites? Spill it...I'm off to clean up!

1 comment:

  1. You are so talented...your mother must be amazing!
