25 May 2010

French Press Cozy Tutorial

I'm sure I'm not the first person to fashion one of these little guys, but I wanted to share my version of the French Press Cozy. I prefer my coffee made in a French press, but hate how it's always cooled off by the time I'm ready for a second cup. This is my solution! (And, it's just plain cute!)

You will need: 2 pony-rings or elastic, 2 buttons, ribbon or other embellishments, fabric, flannel, silver heat-safe fabric, terry or other backing, needle and thread, sewing machine, scissors. (I think that's all!) *I'm sure there might be better insulating layers to use. This is just what I had on hand, and I'm all about being thrifty!
Begin by measuring your French press. Mine is a standard 8-cup Bodum brand press. I cut my fabric to 6 in. x 14.5 in. I might extend the length a bit in the future...maybe to 15 in. Cut pieces from the cover fabric, flannel, heat-proof and terry.

Next, layer the front fabric (right-side up) on top of flannel and heat-proof fabric.

Now pin your ribbon to all three layers. Make sure to leave allowances for seams. (I use 1/4 in. seams)

I like the looks of 2 strips of ribbon. You could leave the ribbon off altogether, or use rick-rack, ruffles, or anything you'd like!

Now you will sew down the edges of your ribbon on both sides of the ribbon. This will also secure the first 3 layers of the cozy together.

Now attach the elastic bands. Keep in mind, the loop facing to the right in this picture is the part you will see. Be sure your loops are positioned so that they will button through the handle of your press. (See picture of the 'dressed-up' press!) I sew over the elastic several times by back-stitching. You want the elastic to be good and secure.

Now, snip the outer loops a bit and trim the string. Don't cut too closely, just enough to get rid of most of the excess.

Now it looks like this:

Now, pin the terry to the other layers, right-sides together.

It's good to see those little 'tails' from your elastic. You will want to back-stitch over those several times again, and this will help you know how to 'find' them when you are sewing. Sew 1/4 in. around, leaving an opening for turning.

Turn your cozy back to right-side-out. Be sure to carefully poke out the corners. You could pin the opening together, but I usually just iron it.

Now, carefully sew around the edges, being sure to sew the opening closed.

This is what the back of the almost-finished cozy will look like:

And, the front:

All we have to do is sew on the buttons, and it's ready to use! Mark where the buttons need to be attached.

Using your handy-dandy needle and thread, attach the buttons.

Just waiting for some coffee to warm:

Ahhh...nice and cozy! This one is a gift for my sweet cousin.

One for my mom!

And, I get to keep this lovely. :)

This is my very first tutorial, so please let me know if you have questions or thoughts on how it could be better! Happy sewing!

For more ideas, visit:



  1. You did a great job! If you ever want to submit a guest tutorial...please do! :)


  2. Thanks, Kim! I have a million projects swirling around in my little brain, so I will definitely consider joining you for a post!

  3. Great tutorial!! Super cute cozy. Happy french press coffee drinking to your Mom and cousin!!

  4. Oh THIS project is calling my name! Super cute (:

  5. ok - see this is what i get for meandering through blogs instead of working. Now i have a project that I.must.do instead of pack, work, clean, get groceries, etc... LOVE THIS. very very cute!

  6. thanks so much for stopping by my blog, and I am so glad that you were inspired! I am happy to follow you back... your blog is great!

    looking forward to getting to know you better

  7. Fabulous! Great tutorial! The fabrics are gorgeous! Very clever and creative! Thanks so much for joining The Sunday Showcase. I greatly appreciate it! Hope you are enjoying your week! ~ Stephanie Lynn

  8. Hi Kate! Just wanted to let you know I'll be featuring your cozy today! Stop by and grab a featured button if you like! Thanks again for linking to The Sunday Showcase Party! ~ Stephanie Lynn
