31 March 2012

Checking in

I wanted to pop in to say that I haven't forgotten about my little blog! We've just had a very busy month with things going on that have kept me away from the computer. I've got several fun things to share and some great pictures to post, but for now, Truett will have to hold you over.

He's getting so big...standing up all the time, waving, clapping and playing other 'baby games'. He and Maren are becoming fast friends and Brett and I realize each day how blessed we are to call Maren and Truett our children. God is so good!
We've got company coming to visit from Michigan this week, so I'll likely not get around to another post for a week or so. I hope you're enjoying your spring!

01 March 2012

Taking one a day

This is the month...I'm doing it!
Find out more here.

Happy March!